Special Needs Care


Special Needs Care

Infant and child abandonment is still a problem in China, particularly due to various forms of disability. Rather than being forsaken to fight for their life, these minors need a program of loving care, medical attention and personal development to enable eventual independence and a prosperous future.

This project exists to provide a pathway of care for young people with disabilities from first contact to adoption or autonomous living. Special needs children and adolescents are housed within the community and trained in life skills, level-appropriate education and vocational training as they demonstrate to themselves and give hope to others that they are budding with competence.

Key Areas of Expenditure:

  • Community living and foster care services
  • Treatment and rehabilitation programs
  • Professional development of carers
  • Life skills development and special needs education
  • Vocational training workshops in handicrafts (cards, pictures, jewelry) and baking (cakes and biscuits)
  • Supply and equipment costs
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