Prosthetics & Orthotics

Sri Lanka

Prosthetics & Orthotics
Prosthetics & Orthotics

As in most developing nations, Sri Lankan society carries a certain degree of stigma toward the disabled, especially those with a congenital impediment or missing limb(s). In spite of free public health services, the provision of prosthesis and orthotics for disadvantaged individuals does not attract any government funding but is instead heavily reliant on the non-profit sector.

The objective is to counter negative social attitudes of underprivileged amputees by ‘helping the needy help themselves’ with specialist therapy and rehabilitative care. We demonstrate to patients and wider society alike that the loss of limbs is no reason to despair but can indeed be exchanged for active and productive lives.

Key Areas of Expenditure:

  • Residential facility running costs
  • Medical assessments and tests
  • Prosthesis/ orthotics customisation and fitting
  • Limb care and maintenance training
  • Patient and carer counselling
  • Employment and education guidance and financial assistance
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